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Nov 27, 2012

In this episode, Rudie goes slightly pre-dumpster diving in the Gamestop PS2 bargain bins, which leads to discussions of Flipnic and a few other not-quite-notable games.  Then Rudie and Chris settle into talking about one of the strangest, most wonderful game developers ever, Kenji Eno.  He might be an alien, but that...

Oct 31, 2012

In this episode, Rudie talks about actually enjoying the much-maligned Ninja Gaiden 3, and Chris talks about not really enjoying the rightfullly ignored White Knight Chronicles.  The first time editing for Rudie, so let us know if you have any thoughts. We also introduce our new theme song, "Dreamcast", by Jerkbait....

Sep 6, 2012

Oh heck, we are back! A grab bag of topics, starting with what Rudie has been playing lately, then touching on the Siren series, the much-maligned Marc Ecko's Getting Up, and a whole host of other topics.  Hence the weird title.

  • Intro Music: "Monochrome Roulette" by Masanori Akita from the Enthusia OST.
  • Interlude 1:...

Aug 6, 2012

The slightly delayed episode 4 is finally here.  After a bit of digging around on the internet, we finally settle into talking about the Yakuza series: what is right, what is wrong, and what is just wonderfully silly.  We even touch a bit on the ancestor of the series, the ever wonderful Shenmue saga, and how much we...

Jul 16, 2012

In this, our first episode with a title for the podcast, we discuss the strangeness of the Ouya and Penny Arcade Kickstarter projects, and wonder when exactly everything Kickstarter related is going to fall apart.  We also introduce a new segment of the show where we discuss games we are currently playing.  Sound...