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Dec 21, 2014

Rudie sits down with James Howell (@adilegian) to talk a long time about The Evil Within.

Oct 30, 2014

Rudie is dissapointed in Dangan Ronpa.  Chris wishes he had more strong opinions about specific RPGs.

Jul 8, 2014

We still aren't editing things that much, but that doesn't make us quicker to upload things.  However, enjoy this supersized episode of Hinge Problems, featuring Rudie and Chris versus the world of Konami, and maybe a discussion of the MOST IMPORTANT videogame.  Ever.


Mar 27, 2014

So we've decided we edit things too much.  So we aren't doing that any more. No edits, just tag an opening and an ending on and away we go.  So sorry if this is a little rough.  But this is what we are doing.   On this episode, Rudie and Chris tackle some weird otaku shit that the US is somehow actually getting...

Mar 20, 2014

Rudie and Chris talk about the Wii, and maybe some stuff that was OK for it.  And probably some stuff that wasn't.  Of course, they talk about other stuff as well because we never remain on topic here.  Enjoy...?